Codebases we work with

The Foundation for Public Code helps to effectively scale codebases. We do this by supporting ambitious communities with codebase stewardship.

Codebases are organized by their codebase maturity.

Stage 1: Assessment

In this phase, codebase communities and the Foundation for Public Code decide if:

There are currently no codebases in assessment with the Foundation for Public Code stewardship.

Stage 2: Incubation

Codebases in incubation are working to meet the Standard for Public Code.

There are currently no codebases in incubation with the Foundation for Public Code stewardship.

Stage 3: Mature

Mature codebases and communities fully meet the Standard for Public Code.

There are currently no mature codebases under Foundation for Public Code stewardship.

Stage 4: Attic

Codebases and communitities that were once Standard compliant but aren't anymore are in the attic.

There are currently no codebases in our attic.